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Jack's Blowhole

Experience the stunning natural wonder of Jack's Blowhole, a breathtaking 55-metre deep sea cave situated just 200 metres from the ocean and connected by a subterranean tunnel. Conveniently located just 10km from Owaka, Jack's Blowhole is a bucket list destination for all visitors to The Catlins. Take a rewarding half-hour walk up a gravel track to the viewing platform and soak in the panoramic views of Jack's Bay, Long Point, and Nugget Point. Prepare to be amazed by the beauty of this natural wonder, especially during heavy swells and high tide. Learn more about how to get there right here.

Distance 3 km return
Time 1 hour return
Difficulty Easy: Walking Track (DOC)
Dog Access    Dogs on a leash only

Click here for more information about the walking track