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Jacks Bay (Catlins Cycling Route)

Jacks Bay is one of the best beaches in the Catlins district and well worth the ride. There are some great views along the way, with prolific bird life along the edge of the estuary, especially early in the morning. Sea Lions are regular visitors to the beach at Jacks Bay and you may just be lucky enough to spot one – just keep your distance! 

Optional – You may want to consider riding around the south side of the Catlins Estuary on Lakeside Road on your return trip. The distance from Hina Hina Bridge to Ōwaka taking this option will add a further 9km to the return trip.

Distance - 19km loop

Surface Conditions – The road is sealed for the first 2km as you leave Ōwaka however the majority of this road is loose gravel.

Gradient – This is mostly a flat, gentle ride however there is a climb over Settlement Hill when you turn onto Hina Hina Road. Elevation gain: 128m.

DirectionsFrom the Ōwaka public carpark travel along Main Road, towards Balclutha, and turn right on to Pounawea Road at the edge of town. Travel 2kms on the sealed road and turn right again onto Hina Hina Road. Once you make it over Settlement Hill you will descend to the Catlins Estuary and cross the Hina Hina Bridge. Turn left at Hina Hina Bridge and continue along the road with signposts to Jacks Bay.