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Cannibal Bay (Catlins Cycling Route)

Cannibal Bay is a great place to spot Sea Lions however there is some riding to be done before you get there. It has great vistas and it is possible to ride along the beach once you arrive - keep a safe distance from the local New Zealand Sea Lions!

Distance - 24km loop

Surface conditions – The 4km trip along the main road from Ōwaka to the Cannibal Bay turnoff is sealed. The rest of the journey is loose gravel.

Gradient – This is an undulating ride with a number of hills and declines along the way. The effort you put into the uphill sections are well rewarded with some great downhill rides. Elevation gain: 370m.

Directions - From the Ōwaka public carpark travel along Main Road, heading towards Balclutha for 4km. At this point take the turn off to Cannibal Bay which is well sign posted off the main road. Travel for 8km along the loose gravel road to reach your destination.