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Around The Lake (Catlins Cycle Route)

A trip around the Catlins Lake (Estuary) is well worth the ride with constantly changing views as the tide moves in and out each day.

Distance: 16.5km loop

Surface Conditions – Hina Hina Road and Lakeside Road is loose gravel and is approximately 7 km. The rest of the ride along the initial section of Pounawea road, Pūrākaunui Falls Road the Southern Scenic Route is 10km and is fully sealed.

Gradient – This is mostly a flat, gentle ride however there is a climb over Settlement Hill when you turn onto Hina Hina Road. Elevation gain: 184m.

Directions - This is a looped track, which you can approach from either direction. Our recommendation is to head towards along Main Road from the Ōwaka public carpark, towards Balclutha, and turn right on to Pounawea Road at the edge of town. Travel 2kms on the sealed road and turn right again onto Hina Hina Road. Once you make it over Settlement Hill you will descend to the Catlins Estuary and cross the Hina Hina Bridge. Turn right at Hina Hina Bridge and continue along Lakeside Road, following the edge of the lake until you reach the bridge at the corner of Pūrākaunui Falls Road and the Southern Scenic Route Road. From the bridge you can head back towards Ōwaka via the sealed Highway/Southern Scenic Route.